Leazes Park Angling Association Club
The name of the group shall be The Leazes Park Angling Association.
The objectives of the association are:
a) to promote a) Employ and pay staff;
b) Acquire and dispose of property (subject to any consents required by law);
c) Invest funds in any lawful manner provided that professional investment advice is obtained whenever it is prudent to do so;
d) Raise funds by any lawful means except permanent trading;
e) Accept gifts either for the general purpose of the Association or for the specific purpose within connected with the Objects;
f) Do anything within the law which is necessary in carrying out the Objectives.
Full membership shall be open to any individual aged 17 or over who agrees with the objectives of the Association and pays any subscription set by the Executive Committee.
Every member shall have a vote. If the Executive Committee consider that member’s conduct is harmful to the Association it may require the
member concerned to put his, her or their case to a meeting of the Executive Committee. Where the Executive Committee is satisfied after hearing their case put by or on behalf of the member concerned that the member should leave the association it may terminate that membership by written notice and that notice is final. The Executive committee may make provision for non-voting categories of membership including junior members, associate membership and honorary membership, and set the subscription payable (if any).
5. The Executive Committee:
The Association shall be managed by an Executive Committee of not less than four and not more than ten members.
The Executive Committees officers shall include a Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and Fisheries Officer and any other officers that the Executive Committee shall decide. The Executive Committee shall meet not less than four times a year and a formal record of the meetings shall be kept. Four members shall be a quorum. Each member shall have one vote, and if the vote is tied the Chair shall have a second casting vote.
The Executive Committee shall have the power to co-opt up to three members on to The Executive Committee to fill vacant places until the next Annual General Meeting. Each co-opted member has a vote.
6.General Meetings:
The Secretary shall give two months’ notice of a General Meeting to all members. All members shall be entitled to attend and vote at the meeting. Twenty members, or a quarter of the membership whichever is smaller, shall be a quorum. A formal record of a General Meeting shall be kept. The Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be held in December every year or as soon as possible afterwards, when a report of the years activities and accounts shall be presented. Nominations for Officers and Committee members shall be made at the AGM. Officers and Committee shall be elected on a show of hands and serve from the end of the AGM to the end of the following AGM. An Extraordinary General Meeting may be called at any time by the Executive Committee. If 10% of members request such a meeting in writing the Secretary must call one.
All funds belonging to the to or raised by the Association must be used in furthering the Objectives. The Treasurer shall keep an account of all income and expenditure and shall present examined accounts at the AGM. An Independent Examiner, who is not a member of the Association, shall be appointed to examine the accounts. There shall be one bank or building society account in the name of the Association. Cheques must be signed by two committee members, who must not be related. Executive Committee members may make reasonable out-of pocket expenses on terms approved by the Executive committee. No other payments shall be made to members of the Association.
If the Association acquires any land, building investments or any other property of a permanent nature, the legal title to that property must be transferred to a corporate body as holding trustee (or in the case of freehold land, invested in Official Custodian for Charities)
Whenever notice has to be given to the members of the Association under the provisions of this Constitution it must be delivered either by hand, by post or electronic email to the individual members of the Association. Whenever any notice is required to be given to the Executive Committee it must be delivered by hand, sent by post or sent by electronic email to the Secretary. Whenever any notice is given by post it is deemed to have been received 48 hours after posting.
10.Lease to Fish:
The association shall obtain a lease to fish leazes Park lake from the council or any authorised body responsible for Leazes Park, at an agreed rate and this will provide the association with exclusive fishing rights. The association shall endeavour to secure angling rights on other waters , as the opportunities arise.
11.Committee Nominations:
Nominations for election onto the association committee shall be made in writing or by electronic mail to the club secretary no later than 14 days before the annual general meeting (AGM).
12.Executive Committee Nominations:
Nominations for election onto the association executive committee shall be made in writing or by electronic mail to the club secretary no later than 14 days before the AGM, when a post becomes vacant after the 3 year term or if there is an unexpected vacancy.
The Constitution may be amended by a two thirds majority pf members present and voting at a General Meeting (Annual or Extraordinary) provided that notice of the proposed amendments has been sent to all members with the notice of the meeting.
A resolution to dissolve the Association must be approved by a two-thirds majority of members present and voting at a General Meeting provided that 2 months’ notice of the proposed dissolution has been sent to all members. In the event of a resolution to dissolve the Association, any assets remaining after the clearing of debts and liabilities shall be given to an Association or group having similar objectives, or, if this
cannot be done to any charitable purpose.
15.Copy of the Constitution:
A copy of this constitution shall be made available to all members.
The above constitution was approved at an Annual General Meeting held at :The Clubhouse, LeazesPark on the: 11th December 2018.
The name of the group shall be The Leazes Park Angling Association.
The objectives of the association are:
a) to promote a) Employ and pay staff;
b) Acquire and dispose of property (subject to any consents required by law);
c) Invest funds in any lawful manner provided that professional investment advice is obtained whenever it is prudent to do so;
d) Raise funds by any lawful means except permanent trading;
e) Accept gifts either for the general purpose of the Association or for the specific purpose within connected with the Objects;
f) Do anything within the law which is necessary in carrying out the Objectives.
Full membership shall be open to any individual aged 17 or over who agrees with the objectives of the Association and pays any subscription set by the Executive Committee.
Every member shall have a vote. If the Executive Committee consider that member’s conduct is harmful to the Association it may require the
member concerned to put his, her or their case to a meeting of the Executive Committee. Where the Executive Committee is satisfied after hearing their case put by or on behalf of the member concerned that the member should leave the association it may terminate that membership by written notice and that notice is final. The Executive committee may make provision for non-voting categories of membership including junior members, associate membership and honorary membership, and set the subscription payable (if any).
5. The Executive Committee:
The Association shall be managed by an Executive Committee of not less than four and not more than ten members.
The Executive Committees officers shall include a Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and Fisheries Officer and any other officers that the Executive Committee shall decide. The Executive Committee shall meet not less than four times a year and a formal record of the meetings shall be kept. Four members shall be a quorum. Each member shall have one vote, and if the vote is tied the Chair shall have a second casting vote.
The Executive Committee shall have the power to co-opt up to three members on to The Executive Committee to fill vacant places until the next Annual General Meeting. Each co-opted member has a vote.
6.General Meetings:
The Secretary shall give two months’ notice of a General Meeting to all members. All members shall be entitled to attend and vote at the meeting. Twenty members, or a quarter of the membership whichever is smaller, shall be a quorum. A formal record of a General Meeting shall be kept. The Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be held in December every year or as soon as possible afterwards, when a report of the years activities and accounts shall be presented. Nominations for Officers and Committee members shall be made at the AGM. Officers and Committee shall be elected on a show of hands and serve from the end of the AGM to the end of the following AGM. An Extraordinary General Meeting may be called at any time by the Executive Committee. If 10% of members request such a meeting in writing the Secretary must call one.
All funds belonging to the to or raised by the Association must be used in furthering the Objectives. The Treasurer shall keep an account of all income and expenditure and shall present examined accounts at the AGM. An Independent Examiner, who is not a member of the Association, shall be appointed to examine the accounts. There shall be one bank or building society account in the name of the Association. Cheques must be signed by two committee members, who must not be related. Executive Committee members may make reasonable out-of pocket expenses on terms approved by the Executive committee. No other payments shall be made to members of the Association.
If the Association acquires any land, building investments or any other property of a permanent nature, the legal title to that property must be transferred to a corporate body as holding trustee (or in the case of freehold land, invested in Official Custodian for Charities)
Whenever notice has to be given to the members of the Association under the provisions of this Constitution it must be delivered either by hand, by post or electronic email to the individual members of the Association. Whenever any notice is required to be given to the Executive Committee it must be delivered by hand, sent by post or sent by electronic email to the Secretary. Whenever any notice is given by post it is deemed to have been received 48 hours after posting.
10.Lease to Fish:
The association shall obtain a lease to fish leazes Park lake from the council or any authorised body responsible for Leazes Park, at an agreed rate and this will provide the association with exclusive fishing rights. The association shall endeavour to secure angling rights on other waters , as the opportunities arise.
11.Committee Nominations:
Nominations for election onto the association committee shall be made in writing or by electronic mail to the club secretary no later than 14 days before the annual general meeting (AGM).
12.Executive Committee Nominations:
Nominations for election onto the association executive committee shall be made in writing or by electronic mail to the club secretary no later than 14 days before the AGM, when a post becomes vacant after the 3 year term or if there is an unexpected vacancy.
The Constitution may be amended by a two thirds majority pf members present and voting at a General Meeting (Annual or Extraordinary) provided that notice of the proposed amendments has been sent to all members with the notice of the meeting.
A resolution to dissolve the Association must be approved by a two-thirds majority of members present and voting at a General Meeting provided that 2 months’ notice of the proposed dissolution has been sent to all members. In the event of a resolution to dissolve the Association, any assets remaining after the clearing of debts and liabilities shall be given to an Association or group having similar objectives, or, if this
cannot be done to any charitable purpose.
15.Copy of the Constitution:
A copy of this constitution shall be made available to all members.
The above constitution was approved at an Annual General Meeting held at :The Clubhouse, LeazesPark on the: 11th December 2018.